Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Phase 2 Day 5: 8/25/10

The fasting went well yesterday, I think. No permanent damage, anyway. Today, I rolled a 4 and a 5. That is 1500 calories and mostly soda to drink.

For breakfast, I had a Jimmy Dean Sausage, egg and cheese croissant (and 20 reese's pieces) to get me up to 500 calories. I drank some Coke Zero with it. I then waited until about 4pm to eat again and I had five chicken tenders from Hardee's with the creamy buffalo sauce, a medium fry and some ketchup. And a Diet Dr. Pepper. Of course, I am starving right now but at least I can look back with fondness on my meal today.

I also did my 20 pushups and 20 situps like I was supposed to so the exercise component is chugging right along as well.


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