Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kicking It Up a Notch (or BAM! for you Emeril fans)

As I write this, I have about one week left on this phase of the Diabolical Dice Diet. Today, in the shower (where I do my best thinking), I figured out the following way to easy exercise back into the picture:

I will tie my workouts to my food roll. This seems obvious, I guess, but it eluded me for some time. It was really hard to get a rhythm of exercise going with this diet because I would have very little energy on low calorie days. When you can barely move to do your job, it is almost impossible to force yourself to work out. So, for phase 2 (really this is probably phase 87 with all my adjustments and such but let me simplify if I may) I am going to alter the calorie count for more EXTREME results and add in these very low impact workouts...

1= Fasting, liquid only on this day (besides a vitamin). Since I can't do this two days in a row, it shouldn't kill me, right? No exercise these days as I will probably be nearly inert.
2= 500 Calories. These are tough days generally, still, but my body is almost used to them. No exercise.
3= 1000 Calories. 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 "girl pushups", 10 crunches.
4= 1500 calories. 20 pushups, 20 situps, 20 girl pushups, 20 crunches.
5= 2000 calories. Walk at 2.5 mph for 30 minutes.
6= Skies the limit calories. Walk at 3 mph for 30 minutes or 2.5 mph for 30 minutes with 20 pushups, 20 situps, 20 girl pushups and 20 crunches.

None of these are going to give me Brad Pitt abs or make me super bulky but the muscle growth should accelerate caloric burn and help me drop the pounds. Of course, the danger is in gaining weight via increased muscle mass so, really, how loose my clothing is will tell the tale.

Notice, I still have my 5 go crazy days but they will be balanced by 5 fasting days in the 30 day cycle. Every other day is geared toward weight loss without starvation.

Now, please understand that I am not a doctor nor do I even know is this is a healthy way to do this but I am only trying this for me. I will update often and let you know how it is going. The grand experiment starts on 8/21, see you then.


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